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CS402 Quiz No.2 || Solution Spring 2020 || Theory Of Automata.

NFA to FA 
Two methods are discussed in this regard.  
Method 1: Since an NFA can be considered to be a TG as well, so a RE corresponding to the given NFA can be determined (using Kleene’s theorem). Again using the methods discussed in the proof of Kleene’s theorem, an FA can be built corresponding to that RE. Hence for a given NFA, an FA can be built equivalent to the NFA. Examples have, indirectly, been discussed earlier.  
Method 2: Since in an NFA, there may be more than one transition for a certain letter and there may not be any transition for certain letter, so starting from the initial state corresponding to the initial state of given NFA, the transition diagram of the corresponding FA, can be built introducing an empty state for a letter having no transition at certain state and a state corresponding to the combination of states, for a letter having more than one transitions. 
Method 3: As discussed earlier that in an NFA, there may be more than one transition for a certain letter and there may not be any transition for certain letter, so starting from the initial state corresponding to the initial state of given NFA, the transition table along with new labels of states, of the corresponding FA, can be built introducing an empty state for a letter having no transition at certain state and a state corresponding to the combination of states, for a letter having more than one transitions. Further examples are discussed in the next lecture.  
NFA and Kleene’s Theorem method 2 It may be observed that if an NFA can be built corresponding to union, concatenation and closure of FAs corresponding to the REs, then converting the NFA, thus, obtained into an equivalent FA, this FA will correspond to the given RE.  Followings are the procedures showing how to obtain NFAs equivalent to union, concatenation and closure of FAs   
NFA corresponding to Union of FAs Method Introduce a new start state and connect it with the states originally connected with the old start state with the same transitions as the old start state, then remove the –ve sign of old start state. This creates non-determinism and hence results in an NFA. 

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