Cs615 Current paper

Today paper 26/09/2020

1)      The prototyping model enable an analysis team to first contract a working model with their prior software experience combined with the vague needs of the client. List at least there different types of prototyping methods?                                                                                                           3 Mark’s

2)      Identify which one is the management task and team leader task                                 3 Mark’s

(i)                 All the requirement people should be provide to the team

(ii)               Right peoples should be assigned with the right task

3)      What type of information WBS document contains?                                                        3 Mark’s

4)      What activities are involved risk management?                                                                Mark’s

5)      Design decomposition which is one of the major step of WBS, basically produces two type system component. Name 2 component.                                                                                        3 Mark’s

6)      What kinds of activates are performed in project “wind up” too ensure that the

ends on times?                                                                                                                     5 Mark’s

7)      Organization issue have a deep influence on a software project,

it progress and the role of project manager. List at least five such organization

can influence software project.                                                                                            5 Mark’s

8)      How to you define an organization? What is the size of people in

Business organization?                                                                                                         5 Mark’s


                                                    vicky lab Best of luck for exam.......

There are a few standard software process models that you can use, with some customization. Some standard process models are given below: 

• The Waterfall model: This is the traditional life cycle model. It assumes that all phases in a software project are carried out sequentially and that each phase is completed before the next is taken up.

The Prototyping Model: A model that works on an iterative cycle of gathering customer requirements, producing a prototype based on the requirement specifications, and getting the prototype validated by the customer. Each  iteration of the life cycle builds on the prototype produced in the previous iteration. • The Incremental Model: The Incremental model is an example of an evolutionary life cycle model. It combines the linear nature of the Waterfall model and the iterative nature of the Prototyping model. The Incremental model divided the development life cycle into multiple linear sequences, each of which produces an increment of the final software product. In this model, the software product is developed in builds. A build is defined as a selfcontained unit of the development activity. The entire development cycle is planned for a specific number of logical builds, each having a specific set of features. 

The Spiral model: Another evolutionary life cycle model that combines the linear nature of the Waterfall model and the iterative nature of the Prototyping model. The project life cycle is divided into phases, and each phase is executed in all of the iteration of the Spiral Model.

The phases in a software project can be organized into a project life cycle. Some standard life cycle models are the Waterfall model, the Prototyping model, the Incremental model, and the Spiral model.

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