It is a way (Mechanism) given by c++ to realize objects in a
program. It is concrete implementation of objects in c++. We capture any object
attributes and behaviour in a programming language using classes. In other words it can be defined as facility
given by c++ to create new types according to our requirement. (Class is
composite data type made from basic c++ types like integers, chars and
Example: Consider
the examples of entity lion there are many lions but all lions will have
similar attributes and behaviour. Similarly consider student object all
students have separate existence but all students have similar attributes and
they exhibit similar behaviour.
When we hear word student or think about student a sketch
comes in our mind for student along with its attributes and behaviour. The
attributes of student comes in our mind are its name, roll no, class, degree so
on. Similarly the behaviour of student comes in our mind are study, register
and many more.
We need to capture the characteristic features of any object
(attributes and behaviour) in the programming language. The concept of class is
used for this purpose.
Now consider the scenario having many interacting objects: a
University System having many objects like student, subject, classroom, and
teacher so on…we will realize all these objects in our software using classes.
These all object will use the services of each other for example student will
ask teacher to teach him. This approach is closer to real life instead of
having simple functions being called from main here these objects will call
each other to get their services. This is the reason we say that object
oriented programming mimics real life.
Objects are structured in terms of class so our problem
becomes easier to understand in the terms c++ program. We can implement interactions easily in terms
of classes.
Student objects will interact with each other to take and
give services to each other as happens in real life and mapped in object
oriented programming approach.
Now we see how class mechanism helps us in implementing real
life concept.
Type in C++
We implement generic concepts using types.
We have to model generic concept of Student. But there is no
built in type student in c++ like built-in c++ type’s int or float. Class is
mechanism in c++ that will allow us to define student as user defined type,
similarly generic concept circle will also be implemented in the same way. User define types will be,
• Student in student management system
• Circle in a drawing software
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